
Mr. Mukesh Shah

Mr. Kunal Zatakia

Mr. Varun Shah
Our Vision
Swastik Synergy aims to produce quality and safe Fire Fighting Equipments to our customers We value our customers and we are committed to provide service that meets customer’s expectations and specifications.
Swastik Synergy ensures the effective, safe, productive and profitable operation We are committed to continually improve our Quality Management System and compete globally Our company is committed to effectively implement our Quality Management System bases on the requirements of ISO 9001 2015 Thus, our company ensures that Quality Objectives and this Policy are reviewed periodically, to continuously improve our system.
With the commitment to provide full satisfaction to our customers, timely delivery shall be done and our products will be sold at an affordable price We commit to providing the importance of meeting customer as well as statutory and regulatory requirements.
Our Human Resource Department, in coordination with other departments, ensures that all newly hired employees are competent and qualified to carry their respective tasks Appropriate trainings should be provided and effectiveness of which shall be monitored.